This is the second part of the blog series about how the book “Effective Java” may have influenced Kotlin’s design. Before continuing, take a look on the first part if you did not already read it.
Read MoreHow “Effective Java” may have influenced the design of Kotlin – Part 1
Java is a great programming language but has some known flaws, common pitfalls and not-so-great elements that have been inherited from its early days (1.0 got released in 1995). A well-respected Book on how to write good Java code, avoid common coding mistakes and deal with its weaknesses is Joshua Bloch’s “Effective Java.” It contains 78 sections, called “Items”, that give the reader valuable advice on different aspects of the language.
4 things I learned reading Code Complete 2
Code Complete 2 from Steve McConnell surely belongs to one of the bibles of software development. A lot of developers recommended this book to me and so I decided to read it and write about four things that I learned from this book that are valuable in my day to day Android development adventures. In my opinion, it is very important to spend some time reading books that deal with the basics of software construction. As Android developers, we are always tempted to only spend time learning new shiny technologies or libraries like RxJava2 and forget to learn or relearn the foundation of all programming: Writing clean, readable and maintainable code. Although this book is a little bit old (2004), most of the contained knowledge applies to current software development processes and programming languages.